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Dialogues (I): Take class notes. Dialogos(I): Tomar apuntes

Con esta entrada inicio una serie donde reproduzco diálogos en redes sociales que entiendo puedan tener interés. Muchas veces la espontaneidad de estos debates presenta registros que de otra forma no podríamos conocer, y nos ayudan a comprender las ideas de estos autores.

Loving wallowing in this data about our Medical students use of iPads. Qualitative data is particularly illuminating. One student said their preferred taking notes using an pen and paper rather than annotating pdfs on the iPad as they said it promoted more active learning.....
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  • 3 personas les gusta esto.
    • Stephen Downes I take extensive notes when I'm learning because it's active learning. But I use my computer so I can search my notes collection as I need.
    • Dominic Newbould A little learning is a dangerous thing...
    • Malcolm Ryan Out of the mouths of babes and students ......!
    • Donald Clark With Stephen on this. Obsessive note taker. Evidence that tablets inhibit writing and note taking
    • Malcolm Ryan But I once had a tutor, Guy Claxton, at KQC who suggested that rather than worrying about scribbling notes it was better to maintain eye contact with the lecturer and 'listen' and digest and consider and then engage with questions and comments.
    • Donald Clark Guy's way off the mark here. Reserach strongly supports higher levels of retention through active note taking (really significant 20-23%). The problem here is the poor pedagogy of the standard HE lecture. This is why they absolutely need to be recorded. Evidence there also shows increased retention, active learning and attainment. People who hold on to the lecture in 'teacher training' should not be in the job. Preaching is not teaching.
    • Malcolm Ryan I agree with you that active note taking probably does what you say but also few lecturers I have met in my 41 years, some of them as a teacher trainer who advocated active methods, actually considered how to structure what they taught to facilitate active engagement by students. Also, do you consider 20-23% to be really high! what about the other 75%?
    • Miguel Zapata-Ros The key is that learning is active and that the activity is elaborative. 
      Do not think there's general patterns regarding the content or with respect to the individual. 
      The question is to use resources efficiently. 

      The iPad, or Smartphone, it is able to record, transcribe and even translate text to be acceptably re-made (my students do). These capabilities free the student to take notes of relevant aspects and select the most significant or key for him. 
      But organizing these activities requires a start position (mise en scene) reflective. In all this is learned. They are metacognitive skills. Where did you learn? Who will teach?
      Hace 3 horas · Editado · Me gusta · 1
    • Martyn Cooper Or you copy Grainne and just "like" everything! 
    • Malcolm Ryan ... and also, I think it can not be assumed that all students know how to take effective notes or make use of lecture content however it is presented or their version of it recorded. There needs to be a partnership in learning and I rarely saw this in evidence in all of my 41 years in education.
    • Grainne Conole Definitely Malcolm we need to teach them these skills along with effective use of the iPad
    • Mike Mc Mahon Different learners learn differently. Students may use different means as an aid to their interpretation of information. The means which should be used are those which allow them to perceive and process information with the minimum effort. The argument as to which method is best is largely irrelevant as it varies from student to student. What is important however is that the learner makes efficient use of their chosen method.
    • Grainne Conole Yep agree Mike and some learners are more visual others more oral, some like active, kinetic learning others don't
    • Donald Clark Thats 20-30% uplift on non-note taking students in post-tests, not 20-30 of possible knowledge retained, so really significant. Sorry, I was a little unclear here. The paper I love is Wittrick and Alesandrini (1990) found that written summaries increased learning by 30% through summaries and 22% using written analogies, compared to the control group.
    • Grainne Conole Thanks for the link `Donald
    • Jay Allyson Dempster Sigh oh what a long way we've come ... not 
    • Donald Clark Do you have a link to the iPad data or is it not yet published?
    • Miguel Zapata-Ros A good experiment on saying, Donald, would be: Determine how much the learning through the use of summaries and analogies written, compared with the control group, if made with notes, recording, and transcription. 
      What if the control group is only notes?

      I mean an eminently explanatory class
    • Donald Clark Bligh books on 'What use lectures?' has lots of these studies in various combinations. Academia is very reluctant to do comparitive studies like this as it shows up lectures for what they are - one-off, overlong, inactive talking at people.
    • Miguel Zapata-Ros But it makes sense to check the well-used technology is good for something, right? 
      This is a part of BYOD. 
      The principle is: If we free the student from the most tedious part of their work, can focus more effort on tasks with a stronger cognitive pot

      (I fail to grasp if I use broken English means :-))

      Pero tiene sentido comprobar que la tecnología bien utilizada sirve para algo, ¿no?
      Esto es una parte de BYOD.
      El principio es: Si liberamos al alumno de la parte más tediosa de su tarea, puede concentrar más su esfuerzo en tareas con un potencial cognitivo más fuerte. 

      (No alcanzo a captar si el inglés chapurreado que utilizo se entiende  )
    • Donald Clark Absolutely agree and we have to be honest about the affordances on htose technologies. Some I think, like tablets, can inhibit deep, active learning. Mobiles OK for pics of complex images, diagrams and slides but not meaningful note taking - which I think is best done by hand. Complex but needs unpacking.
    • Miguel Zapata-Ros Okay, but I say otherwise  

      When I explain my students asymptotes need two classes to represent the curve by hand, with data tables. In five minutes to get the relevant idea. 

      Many normally stay in representation. 
      Now with your Smartphone, representation is instantaneous. Are not lost. I do this in 1982, then with Basic programs.

      With explanations equals. If released from tedious notes without understanding, they can concentrate on interacting with me, and take only the most relevant notes to reconstruct the thread you possibly learning more strong. You may be at home reconstruct transcription.
    • Donald Clark Agree - when key cognitive point is being made full cognitive attention is necessary.


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